About DML Montessori School

DML Montessori School of Quezon City, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit institution owned and managed by the Daughters of St. Mary of Leuca, and is accredited by government recognition. We are located in a calm residential area, and is equipped with modern facilities. The classrooms are fully air-conditioned with comfort rooms for boys and for girls.
Mother Elisa Martinez, the foundress of the congregation (Daughters of Saint Mary of Leuca), who founded the congregation in 1938 in the southern part of Italy in Leuca, opened a DML convent here in the Philippines to invite young ladies to join in the DML congregation and be one of the DML Sisters in 1970. Then in June 1970, DML Montessori School was established and started its operation, since training young children has always been described as the work of the DML Sisters, for we believe that the children are the greatest and the most precious gift that God has given to each family because they are the fruits of love.
To be partners with parents in the upbringing of the children so that they will become good Christians and upright citizens in the future.
To lead the little children to God through the development of the various aspects of their personalities such as spiritual, moral, social, emotional, mental, physical and other needs during their formative years.
Every pupil in the DML Montessori School shall enjoy the love and protection from the school administration and staff, and shall be given the opportunity to enjoy and use the school facilities for a quality and standard education.